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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Yard Sale Metal Candle Holders Transformed!

Last week I posted a Master List in an effort to keep myself accountable and on task.  Well, I did accomplish one task!  In honor of that, I'm linking to Amy's Anti-Procrastination Tuesdays.

I had purchased five metal candle holders with the glass inserts inside at a yard sale back in April and had yet to do anything with them.

I must admit to a budding love affair with spray paint - it is so easy and so much fun!  And, it transforms items into something completely new without much fuss or money.  That's my kind of "re-do" for sure.

The candle holders looked like this when I bought them:

Not the most attractive things in the world right now, but I was envisioning summer nights with candlelight on the I bought five of them with hopes of making them look better.  Now I am kicking myself for not purchasing the entire box because I am tickled with the way they turned out.  Ah well, who knows - I may find more another day.

When the glass inserts were removed, the inside of the holders looked like this:

I decided to paint the two black ones pure white and the gold ones a brushed silver color.  First, I removed the glass candle inserts.  Those were washed and freed of the old candles inside.  Next, I spray painted the metal holders with a few coats of spray paint.  I really like Krylon spray paint products.  So far, they've covered the best and are very reasonable in price at about $2.97 per can at Wal-Mart.

The brushed nickel ones turned out like this:

At first, I placed the gold colored glass inserts back in, but immediately realized I didn't like the two colors together at all, so I spray painted the glass inserts the same brushed nickel color.  It's not the contrast for which I was hoping, but I still think they turned out well.  Aren't they classy?

The black metal painted white turned out like this:

Very tickled with these!  I love how the blue glass comes through the white.  Can't wait to see these illuminated on a summer night very soon!

I'll try to remember to take a photo while the candles are lit inside the holders.  In my mind, it's pretty!  

Until next time...all my best to you,