has bestowed upon me my very first blogging award! Thank you Susie! I am very new to the blogging world, but I can honestly say I am hooked on meeting other amazing women, learning new craft techniques, finding delicious recipes, and discovering the faith and compassion of so many other women of faith.
I actually meant to post this yesterday, but couldn't seem to find the html code for the button. In response to my query, Susie B. graciously pointed out that she saved the button as a photo and it worked great. Now why didn't I think of that? Thanks Susie!
To read about the origin of this blogging award, go to Simon Food Favourites.
The rules for accepting the Kreativ Blogger Award are:
- You must post the award.
- Thank and mention the person who awarded it to you.
- Pass on the award to 7 other blog owners who you think embody the spirit of the Kreative Blogger Award.
- Name seven things about yourself that you think others don't know about you.
- Be sure to notify the 7 winners that you've chosen them to receive the Kreative Blogger Award and post a link to their blog.
Seven things people might not know about me:
I will cry like a child when our cat Toby dies...he has been with Jeff and I since we've been married and is the best lap (snuggle) cat ever!
As a freshman in college at Ohio University in Athens, I declared a major of Journalism. I allowed one professor to completely scare me away from writing for a living and ended up graduating with a degree in Hotel/Restaurant Management. And now, look at what the Lord is allowing me to do - write! I love when He gives us the desires of our heart.
I'd love to learn how to throw pottery on a real pottery wheel.
7 things? Seriously? Ok, still thinking...must go get a mug of coffee for brain stimulation...
I sing the loudest in the shower when no one is home or in the van when I'm by myself. Granted, those times are few, but boy are they fun!
I'm in the choir at my church. You know where it says in the Bible, "make a joyful noise"? Well, I'm not the best singer in town, but I can say I make a joyful noise for sure. Praise and worship speaks to my very soul and I am blessed to be part of such a talented group of folks.
That's 5...my goodness this is challenging!
Thanks to my parents, I've seen most of the United States (even if we just drove through on our way to another destination) parts of Canada, and Prince Edward Island. My favorite place, hands down, was the Rocky Mountains - glorious!
Talking and being heard is not my weakness...being quiet is my greatest weakness and one on which I am working every day to improve. I need to talk less and listen more.
I cherish my family. They are everything to me.
Whew! Now that that's over, it's time for the fun part (but oh so difficult, because there are so many of you that deserve this!). I'd like to bestow upon the following amazing women the Kreativ Blogger Award:
Denise at The Cottage Chick
Amy at New Nostalgia
Mary at Mary Potter Kenyon
Rachel at The Cupcake Sprinkles in Life
Kathy C. at Blessed Beyond Imagination
Janet at Frugal and Focused
Nicole at The Two Savvy Sisters
Thanks again Susie B. Homemaker! You've made my day!
All my best to you today,